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Sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2015. Um Arraiolos para o Papa e duas santas para a Palestina. As duas novas santas palestinianas. Um autarca em França, do mesmo partido de Sarkozy, teve a brilhante ideia de propor que o Islão seja proibido. Dizendo que isso resolverá os problemas do país. Sem dúvida um candidato a Ministro das Ideias Inúteis, no caso de vitória eleitoral de Sarkozy. Uma artesã alentejana quer homenagear o Papa oferecendo-lhe um tapete de Arraiolos. Não deixem de ler o artigo do The Catholic .
Blog El Papa en la prensa. Selección temática de enlaces sugeridos. Miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015. El contundente discurso de un rabino en el Capitolio de los Estados Unidos alzando la voz y poniendo las cosas claras al presidente Obama. Jorge Enrique Mújica, LC.
Reflections on Faith and Spirituality from a Progressive Christian Point of View. Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Jesus is not the same as Christ. In his excellent work, The Future of Faith. Harvey Cox describes it this way,. was to insist that the Spirit is present only in believers. Christ is the light that enlightens every pe.
You may enjoy reading that. It includes a FAQ on Agnosticism.
Before the bodies of dead children were cold, an internet based Christian army began circulating catchy sayings implying that. In a recent poll conducted in a country normally known f.
Database of and index to 5000 full text, audio and video versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events, and a declaration or two. 200 short audio and video clips illustrating stylistic figures of speech ranging from alliteration.
Religion news articles about religious cults, sects, world religions, and related issues. Religion news about religious cults, sects, world religions, and related issues. Page 1 of 3,638. Are you old enough to remember Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh? Saturday July 18, 2015. Are you old enough to remember the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Oregon Public Broadcasting, Nov.
Faith News and Opinion From Around The World. Up-to-date religion news articles from newspapers and other news sources around the world. This Google search bar searches ReligionNewsBlog. Religion News, Wednesday July 15, 2015. Scientology quacks urged veto of Texas mental health bill.
Where faith, ethics and community meet. Advancing your church in the Digital Age. Flickr image by James at Uni. Many churches are struggling to figure out this whole Internet thing. Does a church need a website? What should be on it? On April 10 SpokaneFAVS. A new report by Faith Communities Today. Another study, by the Pew Internet and American Life Project.
Your Southeastern North Carolina beliefs news source. About Wilmington Faith and Values. C Religion News Services 2012. 8220; The Gallup poll released yesterday. Argues our own Mark Silk.
Viernes, 2 de abril de 2010. Derechos y deberes de los niños. Derechos y deberes de los niños. Se ha producido un error en este gadget.